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Organizing Committee for the WSF 2008- Global Days of Action & Mobilization in Korea got started
La Eunyoung, Reporter
Organizing committee that will be holding the ‘WSF 2008- Global Days of Action & Mobilization’ in Korea has officially got started. Global Days of Action & Mobilization will be held on January 26, and the day is the first day of continuing struggle of anti-globalization, which will be followed by 3.8 World Women’s Day, the protest against Sapporo G8 Summit scheduled around July, and Amazon WSF in 2009.

More than 30 groups including National Association of Professors for Democratic Society, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), People's Solidarity for Social Progress (PSSP), All Together, and Imagination for International Solidarity (IFIS) met on 8, Jan. to form a commission and discussed the event in detail.

Under WSF’s worldwide slogan “Act together for Another World”, the committee set local one, “A World without FTA, Poverty, War & Discrimination!” that reveals current situation of Korea and added to it.

The committee will cover other agendas like nullification of Korea-US FTA, stopping the Korea-EU FTA, securing labor rights of migrant workers, deterring pro-market education policy, and eliminating discrimination against the disabled through further discussion.

During the “Global Week of Action & Mobilization” Global Press Conference is the first event, which is held simultaneously in every participant nation on at noon, local time. In Korea, it will be held on Jan. 22 as well.

That day there will be panel discussion entitled “2008 Global Day of Action & Perspectives from the Global Social Movement”. On Jan. 23, the “Press Conference against Privatization of Energy, Water, Railway & Structural Adjustment in Public Sector”, the “Workshop on Water Industry Promotion Act” and “Street Outreach concerning Repression against Migrant Workers” are ready for being held. During the week “Human Rights before Urban Development for Speculation! : Joint Action for Housing Rights- linked with Global Campaign for Housing Rights” will be held every day. The event will be in full swing on Jan. 26, when a massive rally is scheduled. The rally is to be out of old form of rally and to make each individual and group participate voluntarily and diversely. If you want more information, please contact ‘’.

Translated by Cho Eunseok

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