People's Media - Newscham


More than the milidary dictatorship?

Police, "we'll be back to the one of the 1980s"

Angry with bus barricade which blocked to the main road to the Presidetial palace and government offices, people shaking bus barricade.

Around 9: 10 p.m. police started spraying water and extinguisher to sit-in demonstrators. They were chanting "step down, Lee Myungbak".

Around 12:00 in the morning, police started quelling the demonstration waving shields and sticks.

People were chanting "Don't give up the fight!" "Candles, Cheers!"

Police aggressively assaulted peaceful candle light demonstrators including kids, women, and students.

A day before, the government threatened that it would mix tear gas with the water. it said there will be fluorescent materials in the water to figure out who participate in the rally.

Police chief Eo cheong-soo said the police oppression would "be back to the one of the 1980s" under the military dictatorship.
Real editing time : June 29, 2008
Registration : June 30, 2008

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producing info

  • producing : People's Media Chamsesang
  • filming : People's Media Chamsesang
  • editing : Jo Jungmin
  • english subtitle : Byun Jeongpil
  • screening hour : 04' 40"

Korean Privacy Report 2007-2008(1)

Police kicking and beating demonstrators

Mass movement halts the neo-liberal bulldozer

Police assault on demonstrators with water canons, shields and sticks