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음악 없이 블로그 없다 - 인터넷 숨통을 조이는 저작권법

16일 발효된 개정 저작권법으로 인한 논란이 가라앉지 않고 있다. 네티즌들의 분노가 인터넷을 통해 들불처럼 번져나가고 있기 때문이다.

블로거들이 개정 저작권법에 반대해 만든 "No Music No Blog(음악없이 블로그없다)" 까페 (cafe.naver.com/nomusicnoblog.cafe)의 가입자수가 시간이 갈수록 늘고 있다. 블로거들은 이 카페에서 온라인 서명운동을 벌인 데이어, 자신의 블로그에 개정 저작권법에 반대하는 항의글을 올리는 온라인 릴레이 1인시위도 진행중이다.

정보공유연대 IPLeft, 진보네트워크센터, 영상미디어센터, 한국독립영화협회 등 30여개 시민사회단체도 네티즌과 행보를 같이 하고 있다. 17일 '인터넷을 다 죽이는 저작권법 개정하라'는 요지의 연대성명을 발표한 이래 정보공유연대 IPLeft에서는 온라인 상에서 대대적인 저작권 재개정 캠페인을 벌여나가고 있다. 정보공유연대 홈페이지에서(http://ipleft.or.kr/antilaw)는 저작권법 재개정을 요구하는 서명이 하루 100여개씩 올라가고 있고, 문화관광부 홈페이지에 항의글 올리기, 블랙리본달기 등 캠페인이 진행중이다.

문화관광부 홈페이지 '나도 한마디' 코너는 저작권법에 반대하는 네티즌들의 항의글로 도배가 되고 있다. 문광부 저작권과는 매일 밀려오는 민원으로 인해 업무가 마비될 지경이라고 한다. 당초 문광부는 개정 저작권법과 관련하여 대대적인 단속을 벌이겠다고 하였다가 '주 타켓은 영리를 목적으로 하는 저작권 침해 행위나 대규모로 저작권을 침해하는 사이트가 대상이될 것'이라고 말하고 '이런 경우에도 일정기간 계도기간을 거치게 된다'고 한발 물러선 태도를 보이고 있다.

그러나, 계도기간을 둔다거나 단속의 주된 대상이 영리적 침해 행위에 국한된다는 것은 궁극적인 해결책이 아니다. 모든 음악파일 전송행위를 불법화하고 있는 저작권법을 존치한 채 단속시기를 조정하겠다는 것은 네티즌들의 손과 발을 묶어둔 채 채찍은 나중에 내리치겠다고 하는 것이나 다름없기 때문이다.
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양희진 님은 정보공유연대 IPLeft 활동가입니다.


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  • Uygunxoja

    Rhona Mitra nude
    Hello. What a beautiful day, isn't it? Well, of course that depends on where you live. For example in Africa it is way too hot and in America is pretty fine right now. What can I say, it is summer and a lot of people are seating at home this time because they are either on vocation or unemployed. By the way, this is a perfect time to get yourself a job. But don't forget about having a rest as well, especially if you are a high school student or a college man. Anyway, what I was going to say to you is that this website where you at right now is about Rhona Mitra nude pictures. I love her a lot and that's why I have decided to dedicate this whole place to one person. Below, you can expect to see her amazing pics and even some videos from movies. Have fun and let me entertain you.
    And right now I want to talk about couple of movies where you will find Rhona Mitra naked scenes as well as watch her having sex. The first film is called Life of David Gale so let's talk about it. First of all, I have to say that this movie is kind of tragic and if you cry even why you watch soap operas then I don't know what will happen to you after this one. This is about one teacher that was convicted for something he didn't do. But I am here not for talking about the plot and stuff like that. This is no movies review although it kind of looks like that. Anyway, there is a very nice sex scene of her and some guy. He is tapping her ass from behind and then she hold on a sink while that fellow is working in a doggy style.
    Man, I would give anything to be on his place. I know he didn't have sex with her because that is only a movie but still, you know. Just holding her nice ass and see her red hairs on her back is so damn nice that I think it is time to go and masturbate. But this is not going to happen until I finish this post. By the way, this is not referring to you because you can stop in any second you want and do that.
    The other movie that I was fond of to watch is called Hollow Man with the most gorgeous and amazing sex scene ever. Here, you will see some nice shots of Rhona Mitra nude in shower and then how she is coming out of it and puts her bathrobe on. But despite she is in her clothes right there, you still can see her boobs and nipples. Next thing you know that invisible guy comes and she screams pretty hard so that when I first saw this scene, I was quite excited at that moment. Anyway, don't miss that scene because only here you will see her naked body and all parts that you wanted to see one day.
    I think I am in loved with that woman because I have never had such strong feeling to a person that doesn't know about my existence. I know she is a bit older than me as her age is 33 and I am 22. Wait a minute… she is 33? Oh man, how the hell is that possible? To be honest I thought this woman is something between 25 and 27 but clearly I was wrong. What a nice chick, she looks so young. It probably demands a lot of work to be that sexy and cheat on your age like her. If you want the same for yourself then you should probably make her as your role model and do everything that she does. The only thing you will have to know is what she is doing to be that pretty and young. The rest will come eventually. You can start that by watching those Rhona Mitra nude pictures and see what it is like to have a perfect body like that one.
    Man, I could keep writing all day long about this woman but that still wouldn't be enough for describing how much I love her. You know what they say, love cannot be written in words. You have probably checked all those possible pics I have offered you today, right? But if you haven't that don't get worried as you still have some time. May I suggest you something? It is just if you really want to have some fun, don't watch all pics at the time. Save something for tomorrow because new day will bring some new demands. Always think about tomorrow. See you.

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